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One of Georgia’s Top Legal Settlements in 2013 Involving a Total of Nine Motor Vehicles and a Collision with a Tractor-Trailer

road-traffic-accident-1016504-m.jpgIn April of 2012 the Plaintiff John Roe, age 30, was driving his motor vehicle on 1-285 in Georgia with two (2) passengers; Jane Doe age 1, and John Doe age 6. At the same time, Defendant Jimmy Roe was driving a Tractor-Trailer when he struck another car that was driven by Defendant James Roe. At that time, James Roe was attempting to change lanes when he crossed the outer lanes of traffic and then struck the median. Both Defendants Jimmy Roe and James Roe lost control of their vehicles and struck more vehicles on the interstate resulting in a collision with a total of nine (9) vehicles.

One of the vehicles struck was Plaintiff John Roe who claimed injuries of a herniated disc in his back. Young Jane Doe sustained minor injuries, but John Doe had closed head injuries that resulted in brain damage that was irreparable. The Plaintiff’s filed suit in Fulton County Superior Court claiming that the truck was traveling too fast for conditions even though he was going the speed limit. The truck driver, on the other hand, blamed the accident on the Defendant James Roe for pulling into his lane without any warning, applying his brakes, and thereby causing a collision that could not be avoided. Defendant James Roe stated that he was merely changing lanes as instructed by the road construction signs. James Roe was cited for an unlawful lane change, but the ticket was dismissed. Truck driver Defendant Jimmy Roe was not cited in the accident.

The injuries claimed were as follows: Plaintiff John Doe, the one (1) year old passenger, had brain injuries that were significant and caused complete disability as the young Doe was unresponsive and bound to a wheelchair, and incurred past medical expenses of $750,000. Plaintiff John Roe, the driver, made a claim of a back disc that was herniated and his medical expenses were $ 19,000. The Plaintiff Jane Doe, the six (6) year old passenger, had injuries that were minor and the medical expenses were $1,000.

The case went to mediation and it was not successful. Six weeks prior to trial, the parties agreed to a $ 9.25 million dollar settlement for Plaintiff John Doe. The remaining Plaintiff’s, John and Jane Doe, received $ 250,000 that was to be divided between them. The case name was: John Doe, Jane Doe and John Roe v. James Roe , Jimmy Roe and XYZ Trucking Co., the case number has been withheld.

At Julie A. Rice, Attorney at Law, & Affiliates we are experts at representing clients in personal injury cases involving motor vehicles and tractor-trailers, and with persons who have injuries that are anywhere from catastrophic to minor to deadly. If you or a loved one have been injured or wrongfully and tragically killed in a personal injury case, then please Contact Us for your free legal consultation. It is important to contact us as early in your case as possible so that we can set forth a winning strategy so that you receive all of the just compensation that you deserve. We look forward to hearing from you soon.