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COVID-19: Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against China

As the death toll rises from COVID-19, many look to point fingers and assign blame.  Some took it a step further and filed a class action lawsuit against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for causing this catastrophic, global pandemic.  As of 8:00 pm on Monday, March 23rd, there were 43,697 confirmed cases of…

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Steps in a Georgia Medical Malpractice Case

While Georgia actions for medical malpractice share many common characteristics with other types of personal injury lawsuits, these cases are very specialized and incorporate several procedural rules that make them entirely unique. One of the primary differences involves the various stages in the litigation process. Some start even before initiating the lawsuit, since you…

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We Accept a Wide Range of Georgia Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice claims fall under the umbrella of personal injury law, which is why many people believe that any attorney in this field can handle cases based upon health care provider mistakes. The truth is that medical malpractice is a highly specific, extremely detailed practice area. Seeking compensation for the negligent acts of a…

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Calculating Damages in a Georgia Medical Malpractice Case

Under Georgia’s statute on medical malpractice, you may have a claim for damages if you were injured or lost a loved one because of negligence, mistakes, or other misconduct. The law goes into detail regarding who can be held liable, including professionals who provide health, medical, and surgical services. Entities such as hospitals, nursing…

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Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect: Legal Remedies for Victims

It’s horrific to think that the nursing home you trust to provide quality care for a loved one has failed in this duty. Unfortunately, misconduct is more common than you’d expect, ranging from neglect in managing the facility to acts of intentional abuse by employees. You’re probably aware that some of these acts may…

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What is a “Nursing Home”?

As you page through the glossy brochures featuring elegant images at many of Georgia’s foremost assisting living centers, you can picture your spouse, a parent, and others living out their remaining days in luxury. Unfortunately, the marketing materials often believe what’s going on behind the scenes at many of these facilities. A September 29,…

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Common Forms of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Though regulators, law enforcement, and government safety organizations may be aware of nursing home abuse and neglect in Georgia, this information may be hard to come by as a member of the general public. A September 30, 2019 article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) revealed some extremely disturbing details about assisting living facilities in…

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Cancers That Have Been Shown to Be Caused by Glyphosate Exposure

Since it first became commercially available in 1974 as the active ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp, glyphosate has proven to be an extremely effective weed killer. It’s been in wide use across the lawns of American homes, businesses, public spaces, and other locations, but glyphosate has come under scrutiny in recent years because of a…

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Monsanto RoundUp Litigation and What It Means

Even if you don’t work in the practice of law, it’s likely that you’ve heard about legal issues related to Monsanto’s RoundUp weed killer product in the news. Atlanta’s Fox News Channel 5 recently reported on a ground-breaking lawsuit, in which two people recovered millions in monetary damages after they contracted cancer through use…

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What is Product Liability in Georgia?

In sum, product liability is a responsibility imposed upon manufacturers and other companies involved with ensuring an item is safe for consumers. While you may not have personal experience with the topic, there’s a good chance you’ve at least heard about dangerous products in the news. These cases make headlines not only because of…

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