Medical malpractice claims fall under the umbrella of personal injury law, which is why many people believe that any attorney in this field can handle cases based upon health care provider mistakes. The truth is that medical malpractice is a highly specific, extremely detailed practice area. Seeking compensation for the negligent acts of a physician, hospital, clinic – and their respective insurers – is very different from pursuing monetary damages in a car accident claim.
You may already be familiar with our experience in birth injury cases, including those related to Erb’s palsy and brachial plexus injuries, neonatal trauma, and cerebral palsy. However, our skills and knowledge extend over into many other niches in medical malpractice law. Our Georgia medical malpractice attorneys are prepared to fight on your behalf if you suffered bodily harm due to:
Loss of Limb and Amputation: There are horrific situations where victims lose limbs or digits from the upper and lower extremities. Chart mix ups and improper transfers of medical records may be the reason a health care provider performs an incorrect procedure. In other cases, a surgeon is negligent in the strategy or decision making regarding the procedure.
Products Liability: Dangerous, defective products can cause serious injuries, and these issues do exist in the medical field. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manages a list of medical device recalls. In the past, some products liability claims have been based upon:
- Hernia and transvaginal mesh;
- Defective parts for hip and knee surgeries;
- Breast implants that leak or rupture;
- Flaws in surgical robots;
- Guidant defibrillators, otherwise known as pacemakers;
- Drug-coated stents;
- Cancers linked to use of talcum powder;
- Defective IVC blood clot filters; and,
- Dangerous drugs, including medications for heartburn, ulcers, birth control, pain management, blood clot thinners, and many more.
Devices and Utensils Left in the Body: It’s incomprehensible how a surgeon could forget about the implements involved with procedures. These situations often occur when hospitals or medical practices push their surgeons to the limit, forcing too many procedures in a too limited time period. When devices, sponges, and other items are left within the patient, bacteria and other germs are closed up. Left to fester, these contaminants can lead to infection, loss of limbs, and serious damage to internal organs. In worst-case scenarios, family members of a deceased victim have a wrongful death claim when their loved one dies.
Misdiagnosis of Cancer and Other Medical Conditions: One of the most devastating harms for a patient results from diagnosis errors, yet researchers at the Mayo Clinic discovered that these mistakes are shockingly common. Up to 88 percent of patients who sought a second opinion received one that was completely different or new compared to the first assessment. Such a situation drastically changes treatment and could eliminate some options, with two critical implications:
- A delay in making a diagnosis means you may not receive proper care; and,
- A misdiagnosis could lead to treatment you don’t need, which could lead to other medical conditions.
In particular, failure to properly diagnose cancer can be life-threatening for the patient. Some forms of the disease, which are normally treatable, may become terminal without essential care. A false-positive diagnosis is just as horrific, since you could endure surgery, radiation therapy, and chemo that was never necessary.
Medical Malpractice for Wrongful Death: When health care providers make errors that lead to fatalities, surviving family members are left with significant losses due to their loved one’s passing. To ease the financial and emotional burdens, Georgia has enacted a wrongful death statute that applies to situations of medical malpractice. Many personal injury cases focus on the injured victim, but wrongful death actions center on the survivors – who are also victims. In these cases, it’s possible for the spouse and/or children to recover:
- Burial and funeral expenses;
- Costs of the decedent’s treatment before death;
- The future income the decedent would have earned had he or she not passed away;
- Loss of the deceased individual’s love, guidance, support, companionship, and education; and,
- Other monetary damages based upon the circumstances.
Schedule a Free Consultation with an Atlanta, GA Medical Malpractice Lawyer
If you were injured because of negligence in the above areas or any other type of medical malpractice, retaining experienced counsel is essential. Please contact the Law Offices of Julie A. Rice to set up a no-cost case evaluation with a member of our team. Once we have a chance to review your unique circumstances, we can get started on a strategy to pursue the compensation you deserve under Georgia law.